My Doxie Has Eaten One Of My Suboxone Pills, I Made Him Throw Up, Two Days Of Watching Him, Still Acting Different. What Could It Be?


1 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This dose of Buprenorphine is about 25 times the upper end of the dosing range for dogs.  Fortunately the bioavailability of this medication is low in dogs when given orally.  Signs of overdose include trembling, hypothermia, hypotension (low blood pressure), depression, diarrhea, drooling, changes in heart rate, and vocalization. 
Inducing vomiting is useful in the 2 hours after ingestion of some toxic substances.  If you made your dog vomit after this time frame it probably did not reduce the exposure. 
Your dog should be examined by a veterinarian to make sure this is not related to anything else and determine if treatment is required.

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