Look Like A Spider But Jumps Like A Grasshopper, What Is It?


4 Answers

Laura Wilde Profile
Laura Wilde answered
Here in the South we call them Cave crickets.  They like to live in damp dark places like crawl spaces under your house or outdoor storage buildings.  I've also heard them called Camel Crickets.  They are ugly!  You never know which way they're going to jump
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't really know but I got bit by one. It was a baby one and left me felling sick to my stomach. But I guess if it was bigger it would make me even sicker.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are several spider species that jump. Are there any defining colour characteristics that you could write about, or a bit more information on size might help. That is, if you're looking for more info on this particular spider. I'm not sure what you're after here.

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