My Shitzu Constantly Is Itching, No Fleas, Dry Skin Probably. An Oder When Scratching. What Can Be Done?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Be careful with the steroid shots
My wife takes are shitzu in for an itch and now 5 days later she’s dead. The dog was fine, just itching, they give her a shot of steroids and down hill from there and $1000 s later. If the dog is just itching be careful with the steroids.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is possible your dog has allergies along with a secondary yeast or bacterial infection.  Infected skin smells bad.  Also this could be related to a mite infestation.  Ringworm can also cause hair loss, scaling, and itching.  Your veterinarian can help you determine the cause of the itching and determine if secondary infections are present.  Treatment of skin conditions, itching/allergies is multi-modal and can include, frequent bathing with medicated shampoo, topical medication, special diet, omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, anti-histamines, treating secondary infections, and if severe steroids, immune modulating drugs, and allergy shots.
Sarah Klimko Profile
Sarah Klimko answered
Definitely contact your vet, b/c a steroid shot may be in order to "put the fire out" initially.  Also, it sounds like your dog has a nasty yeast infection along with some kind of skin allergies. But you never know for sure until you contact your vet. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My mom has the Shitzu who is constantly itching, scratching, and nibbling!!  Worst of all.. HE STINKS!!  He is such a good dog and I feel bad!  His treatments so far have been: A cortizone shot every 6 months (which isn't that expensive) , bathing at least once a week and some anti-itch cream... Be sure to take him to your vet to see that he doesn't have anything else..  Good Luck!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow -so many, my shitzu is scratching, bleeding loosing hair, and smells really really bad. I love him to death and I can not hold him at all!!  It is horrible. He is old, but I do not know what to do.. Please help.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Sounds like your dog has an allergy. When you bathe your dog try some oatmeal conditioner. Do not use Hartz on dogs it can kill them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your dog is biting and scratching herself then she needs to be investigated for the following conditions. This can be done by the vet because diagnosis requires physical examination and sometimes, few lab works. Following are some conditions that can cause itching in dogs.
  1. Allergy to molds, dust and pollens
  2. Insect bit
  3. Food allergy
  4. Fleas Lice infestation
  5. Mange
  6. Bacterial skin infection
  7. Ringworm
  8. Autoimmune skin diseases
  9. Contact allergy
So, take your dog to vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My shitzu has dry skin and itching and makes him self bleed. Cam you please help me out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Fleas are not only parasites that cause itching and scratching in dogs. There are many more parasites and some internal diseases that can cause itching in dogs. Most common causes of itching in dogs are

1. Flea allergy
2. Allergy due to pollens, molds, and dust
3. Food allergy
4. Insects Bite
5. Contact allergy
6. Mange
7. Lice
8. Ringworm infection
9. Cushing's disease
10. Endocrine diseases due to hormonal imbalances
11. Autoimmune skin diseases

So, you should take your dog to vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1 mg. Per lb. Up to twice a day, can give safely for up to 2-3 weeks per vet on 8-20-09
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a shitzu she had that to so I think its the shampoo buy him/her a different shampoo maybe it will work
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I switched foods for my shih tzu. He had "hot spots" and was making himself bleed. Two weeks after I switched to a dog food that was a higher end food with no fillers such as wheat and corn, he cleared up!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
He might be allergic to something, you should give him a bath in otmeal shampoo., and also check for ticks
godd luck
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Hi, my shih tzu also has an itching problem, I have done a few things that have helped. First went through the food list and found that he was allergic to almost every meat,fish,eggs,wheat and rice. I found this out because he was rubbing his face on the carpet after eating, and I asked my vet about this. Next, I started giving him very,very small amounts of benadryl. Ask your vet before you begin this please. I use sensitive skin shampoo, add omega 3 oil to his food for his skin. (Hemp)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My shih tzu is itching and I have been giving her oatmeal baths and she still smells after a bath what can I do....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It mit be dry skin my shih-tzu has the same thing I would suggest give your shih-tzu a bath once a week what to give it I don't know

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