How Much Benadryl In Pill Form Can You Give A Dog Per Lb.?


11 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered can give them 2 tablets at 25mg each...I give my lab who is about 60lbs 2 for grass allergies, however she is still hyper. The vet told me it would be fine to give up to 4- 25mg tablets. It is usually 1- 25mg tablet for every 15 to if your dog has never taken them start off with just 2.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its usually 1mg/lb to be safe.  I personally have used Benadryl on my dogs (NOT Benadryl sinus .. The Acetaminophen in it is toxic to dogs) and they have done fine.  However, if you do have a trusted veterinarian I would encourage you to contact him or her as your pet may have health issues or may be taking other medications that could cause some complications with Benadryl use that a regular animal may not have.  Also, each animal has the potential to react differently to medications.  Benadryl is generally well tolerated but it only takes one bad allergic reaction to have a sick or dead pet.  =(
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank You for the great answer!  I have a 25 lb dog and he has allergies to Poultry (no egg)  The vet told me every time I got in for a shot to give him a dose of Benadryl, but all I have today is Liquid Children's Benadryl.  Looked all over the internet to found this was the best answer to my problem!!

Thanks Again.
Elizabeth Calcutt Profile
Generally speaking, the dosage is 25mg (one adult strength tablet) per 40lbs. Of body weight.
Jodi Something Profile
Jodi Something answered
Anytime you give human medication you should always check with your vet. I am not familiar with Gravol but Benadryl is commonly given but you should talk with the vet anyway.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1mg per pound of body weight is what a veterinarian would prescribe. So 40 lb dog= 40mg. If using 25 mg tablets to get close use 1 1/2. It is easier when your dog is in between the 25 lb increments to use benadryl in liquid form
Teddi, C.V.T.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Benadryl contains diphenhydramine which is a antihistamine and used to treatd allergic reactions. In dogs, its dosages are 1-4 mg per Kg body weight when given orally and 1-2 mg per kg body weight when given itravenously. You can use this medicine in 13 years old dog with the dose of 13-26 mg/Kg body weight twice a day. So, you can use 1-2 ml or 1-2 cc of benadryl for your dog
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For the sores try giving him fish oil, you can mix it in his food. And dear first give him 12.5 mg then slowly increase the amount. But not too much. Hope your dog will be fine very soon.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Benadryl dose for dogs is 1 milligram per pound of body weight given by mouth every 8-12 hours.  Do not use the Cold and Sinus variety only plain Benadryl is safe.
Allergy treatment is multi-modal.  Secondary infections are also common and need to be treated.
Your dog needs to be examined by a veterinarian--these sores sound like they need more than topical treatment.  Benadryl will not cure the sores only the redness and inflammation secondary to allergies. 
You and your veterinarian need to develop an individual treatment plan to control your dog's allergies.  The goal is to control not cure allergies.

Elaine Vellianitis Profile
You don't give him or her any! Never, under any circumstances do you give a dog any kind of Human Medication, without discussing it with your vet first and your vet says it's ok and tells you what dosage to give for your dogs weight. If you do, you could be doing more harm than good and possibly overdose and kill your dog. Just call your vets office and ask them. They will tell you what the proper dosage is!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do not give any animal any type of human medicine without talking to a vetrinarian first. Some ingredients could harm the dog.

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