My Dog's Tail Is Wet And It Has A Fishy Odor. Can You Help?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Plain yogurt will not clear up a dermal yeast infection.
Have this dog examined by a veterinarian.  Any moist, smelly dermatitis--possibly from a wound or hot spot--needs to be examined, cleaned and treated.  These moist wounds can become contaminated quickly with maggots.  Infected wounds also can smell very bad--bacteria or yeast may be present.  This is causing your dog discomfort, needs to be treated, and your dog should be placed on an anti-inflammatory/pain medication.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Everyone calm down! The dog does not have an infection! They actually have glands back there that need to be squeezed. Take the dog to the vet and let the Vet assistant do it. They can even show you how to do it if you want them to. So you don't have to pay a vet bill every time.
terry rossignol Profile
terry rossignol answered
It sound as though your dog has an infection. A yeast infection. Try giving her some plain yogurt . This will help clear that up!!!!! Good luck!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A dogs anal glands are swollen therefore; the fishy odor. Like the woman said, you can squeeze them or have the vet do it. Its from the dog not fully pooping so the bacteria grows around the glands.

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