
What Kind Of Snake Digs In The Dirt And Is Orange And Black?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well buddy!
From the information you have given, I have just found out that the snake of this kind is known as Bismarck Ringed Pythons. This snake digs the earth and it also has orange and black rings on its body. Some of the other facts about the snake are as follows: facts
cindy d Profile
cindy d answered
 There are 12 subspecies of ringneck snakes found over much of the eastern and southern parts of the United States as well as parts of the Pacific Coast states. Ringnecks are a flat-headed gray, blue-black or black colored snake often having a yellow or cream-colored collar around the neck. The collar in some subspecies is either incomplete or missing altogether. The belly varies from yellow to orange or red-orange in color often accompanied by dark spots. Adult snakes range from 10-27 inches in length. Females lay 2-10 eggs in late spring or early summer, which hatch 45-60 days later. Hatchlings average 3-6 inches in length. Ringneck snakes may live upwards of 10 years.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Garden snakes

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