70% of snakes lay eggs the rest are live birth none give birth through the mouth.
No, why do you think that?
No. Most snakes, that lay the eggs, that is, lay them and then leave. Some stick around to watch after the eggs till they hatch, but no snake I know of watches after the babies for very long after hatching. They are almost always on their own once they hatch ...or soon after. No snake carries its babies in its mouth or allows its babies in its mouth. If you have seen something like this, what you were seeing was some snake raiding the nest and eating the baby snakes.
Crocodilian (Alligators, Caiman, Crocodiles and Gharials) will carry the babies to the water in their mouths and protect them for up to their first 2 years of life. However, snakes do not have such maternal instincts.
Crocodilian (Alligators, Caiman, Crocodiles and Gharials) will carry the babies to the water in their mouths and protect them for up to their first 2 years of life. However, snakes do not have such maternal instincts.
They lay eggs in a nest. When the eggs hatch, mom will hold the babies in her mouth. If the babies are threatened, they will jump into mom's mouth.