
I Heard You Wipe A Kitten's Infected Eye With Peroxide, Is This True?


7 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Boric Acid mixed with warm water is the best thing for this type of infection
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Do not use peroxide on these kitten's eyes.  Clean them gently with soft cotton balls and warm water.

These kittens need to be examined by a veterinarian.  There are several viral infection in cats that can lead to conjunctivitis (eye infection) and upper respiratory signs.  These viruses break down the body's defense mechanisms and let bacteria in causing further problems.

These infections are treated with oral antibiotics, topical antibiotics for the eyes, and oral anti-viral medications.  Kittens often become secondarily dehydrated, hypoglycemic, and hypothermic when sick.  Their body's immune system is not fully developed to fight infection and they have no reserve.  They can become very sick very fast--this can be fatal.

Infections are more common in strays or unvaccinated queens (mothers). 

When young pets are sick it is best to be aggressive.  See your veterinarian for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Angela Wright Profile
Angela Wright answered
I would not wipe ANYONE'S eye with peroxide unless directed by a doctor! That could make things much, much worse not to mention the pain it might cause the animal. Call a veterinary.
Mark Westbrook Profile
Mark Westbrook answered
If you use 2% or 3% it can be used directly from the bottle for cuts, grazes and abrasions on animals and humans. If I have a cut I always put H2O2 on it as it is a disinfectant and you can see it bubble and 'eat' any infection. It would need to be much weaker for the eye area.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Absolutely, call the vet and take these kittens in.  There is likely more wrong with them than you are seeing from the sound of it.  The tea bag idea is a good one though, but only till you can get them in.  The fact of the matter is, regarding peroxide for cuts, etc (NOT FOR EYES!) is that the bubbling that seems like it's clearing up infection is pretty much just bubbling.  But think about this, bubbling does work to loosen any debris, so it is not worthless, just not as helpful with fighting infection as most people think.  It's like alcohol in a way.  You have to have alcohol on for at least 5 minutes to disinfect.  For heaven's sake don't use alcohol on the eyes either!
terry rossignol Profile
terry rossignol answered
No!try putting a warm tea bag on the puppies eye.try to do this at least 3 times a day until it is cleared up.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have seen this several times- do not wipe the eyes with anything.  Just let the infection play out.

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