My Hamster Got Beat Up About 2 Weeks Ago And The Wound Is Infected I Put Peroxide On It [tht Was What I Was Told] And Its Still The Same But The Skin Looks Like Its Deteriorating. Can Anyone Help? Idk What To Do


3 Answers

Rebecca Quick Profile
Rebecca Quick answered
Putting peroxide on a wound is good to clean it with but not for actual care of the wound because it just dries it out. You can put neosporin or an ointment like it on the wound; if there is a hole put the neosporin in hole and completely fill it up. The ointment won't even hurt your hamster if it eats it.
I had two teddy bear hamsters who on occasion would get into fights and they both would end up with complete holes in them. The vet. Told me to squirt neosporin in the wound and it worked great. It took a while with me doing it everyday because they did eat some of it. It is harmless to you wonderfully pets and should work just fine for an infection because that what it is for. If you don't have that try an ointment like it that is an antibiotic ointment.
If it doesn't show some improvement within a few days call your vet. For other suggestions.
thanked the writer.
Brea commented
Thanks alot i was about go give up on him especially since hes old =]]] thanks sooo much for this help it means alot.
beasty beastr Profile
beasty beastr answered
You can try ointment and things to that degree but I recommend you call the closest vet and see if they know how to care for hamsters. If so then you should take the hamster there  right away.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stop putting peroxide on it and put antibiotic cream on it. The peroxide will burn the skin.

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