I don't think he is sad griz, some pups have droopy eyes, and it isn't from being sad, it's just in their breeding, maybe it will lessen as he gets older. If he is playing all the time, and is active, he's fine. Could be that sometimes, he misses his siblings, but as time goes on, he'll grow to love you more and more, and the missing sibling thoughts will be less and less. Hope this helps, happy... Puppying.
I call it, "The face". Mine has dark shadows as part of his coloring, so that his eyes look sad. It is enough to make us want to spoil him with food and treats. Look closely at his eyes, does he have like a darkish ring around them. That is part of the breeding characteristics of certain dogs. Some have droopy eyes, some have a thin dark like shadow around the eye. I think it makes their face irresistible. Mine is a wheaten terrier, but other breeds also have this distinctive sad faced look that makes them so darn loveable. It makes you want to make them happy. My dog is submissive as he has been neutered, but he really is a happy little guy, which is evident the moment someone pays the least bit attention to him. Your dog is probably a lucky little fella, because he has such loving owners!

Dogs have different personalities just like people... And some are just naturally more "depressed" than others. But I agree with Tigger... It's probably just breeding, and my guess is he's on the submissive side and may need his confidence built up over time. But as long as he's playing and interactive… and you're not reprimanding him too much or too harshly… than it's nothing to worry about. All a dog needs to be happy, is a secure pack environment… spend a lot of time with him… love him… and he'll be happy.
Is your puppy eating three meals a day? Have you taken him to a veterinarian? Are you training him too hard, or not at all? If he plays a lot, as most puppies do than he is probably okay. Try buying a book to help you care for and look for problems for you baby. Any bookstore/pet store carries these and they are pretty cheap.
This may be that you puppy isn't sad it could just be bored and maybe wondering where its mother and brothers and sisters are ,. If your puppy is eating and drink and you can't see any sign of an injury , then I think your puppy should be fine, if you are unsure about my answer then please get advice from a vet
Hey, it looks to me like me and you have the exact same problem. My pup plays all the time and when shes by her self I guess she just has the saddest look youve ever seen, kinda makes you want to cry. She has her toys infront of her too
That is how dogs are all the time I think they just look sad
It is probably just the breed type. I have a beagle and when she looks at me with those eyes, I just melt! I call it the look, and she knows how to use it!