ot put hamsters in the same cage together. I had two winter white dwarf hamsters and this morning when I woke up, I checked on them to change their water/food one of them had attacked the other one so badly that his face was pouring blood and back legs were broken. I had to take him to the vet and get him euthanized because of the extremity of pain. He was unable to be saved. R.I.P. Mousey 10-30-10; Please for the sake of either hamsters life, do not put them together.
Chinese Hamsters (not Chinese dwarf hamsters, they don't exist, pet stores know literally nothing) are actually solitary animals, like Syrian hamsters, they live alone in the wild and rarely get along with their own kind, regardless of what a pet shop might tell you. There's a 30% chance that males will get along, but no chance at all that girls will. I repeat, Chinese hamsters are not dwarf hamsters and are not sociable with their own kind.
You should never put hamsters together, they will always fight they are okay when they are young but when they are older they will fight so I think you should buy another cage and put them in separate cages
I had the same problem, but they fought continuously. Pets at home didn't tell me that chinese dwarf hamsters don't usually get along and talked me into buying another cage. I try reuniting them but they just fight.
I am in the same situation. I do know that it's not just because they are hamsters though - I've owned Robo Dwarfs before & they got along fine (the odd quarrel now & again, but nothing major), as dwarf hamsters like company. But since yesterday, both my males have begun attacking each other. They are both from the same litter, but were bought at different times (1 day apart). My gf came home with one & I told her they were sociable hamsters, so phoned the shop to ask about pairing when not bought together & she said it was fine - so went back to the shop & put Eric back in his tank to see which he got along with...& we came home with Geoff. I believe Eric was the runt of the litter & Geoff used to attack him at times if he got to the food 1st & Eric came in behind him, but that seemed to stop. Now they can't even be out of the cages together without fighting. I have noticed that Geoff seems a lot bigger than Eric, but were told they were both males, so just had that down to Eric being the runt...though, what if they were wrongly sexed? Hmmm.....
Keep them separated. Mine were sisters that have been together since birth. They started fighting but I had no good permanent solution nor means to afford one at the time. The dominant one ate the other. Please avoid that situation, it is not fair to you nor is it fair to the submissive one. Specifically watch for biting/wounds.
When a male and female are in the same cage and mature, the female is always a dominant one. They go into heat every 4 days if the lighting is right. Once the female is impregnated, she "becomes mean" and will go after the male. She wants to be left alone. Two to three weeks later you should have little ones.
Right after Christmas, we got four Chinese Hamsters from PetSmart- an "all boy" store in our city. They said these are social animals and NEED to be together. That convinced us to get 4 instead of 2 for the 2 cages we had. They were so cute: Buddy, Pablo, Cinnamon, and Sparks. Well about 3 weeks later, we realized that Sparks was not a boy. Pregnant. She had two babies and one died right away. The other one survived for 2 days and then we found it gnawed in half. YUK!
We put the boys in one cage and Sparks in the other then, but decided to let her have babies one more time. When the 2nd litter came (probably 3 babies) we only found 2 the next day and both survived! They are really precious and we named them Juliette and Cuddles. They live with their mom and we think they are girls.
The boys next door have done pretty good, but they pick on Buddy a lot. His tail has been bitten down from early on. Yesterday we found him dead, with his tail and "bottom" all gone. Gave him a nice burial. Our oldest daughter (who owned him) said she really liked him the least and nobody cried much. After-all the babies are so cute. They all love to run on the wheels all night.
Today my wife called me at work and said they found Cinnamon dead too. But he had been pretty badly mutilated- a LOT of blood and not much left of him. Pablo sits there in the wood shavings, licking himself, and looking LARGER and fatter than ever. He now has a cage to himself. Hmmmmm...
We might let Sparks have another litter, but I think we are definitely going to have to give/sell the babies or at least have separate cages for them. I put Cinnamon in a plastic baggie and will dispose of him without a funeral. We have enough rocks inscribed with sharpies in the yard after the first death.
Had no idea that hamsters could teach the kids such great life lessons. Will not keep older hamsters in the same cage together, except to breed, again.
Also will not trust the folks at PetSmart again for small animal advice or for gender guarantees. What a mistake!
The reason that they are fighting is because as soon as the reach adulthood they become territorial and need their own individual cages, I would separate them and then get a third medium sized cage and combine them occasionally in it so that they can play. Make sure that you don't put them in one another cage because they will see it as the other one is invading his privacy. If they are in a cage that neither of them are usually always in it wont be any ones territory therefore they wont fight.
Most likely the female is Pregnant. I just had the same issue, Mine got a long like peaches and cream except for the last 3 - 4 weeks. We did separate the two not knowing what was wrong. We first put a piece of cardboard in a ten gallon tank, but they still tried (and succeed) on getting back together. Then got a second cage for the male. Yesterday morning we finally figured it out when there were 7 pups in the females cage. I am going to put the male back in the cage with the female and pups.
I have 2 young male white winter hamsters that I have had for about 3 weeks now when I first got them they were both getting along realy very well with each over and when I put the 2 off them back in the same cage they both start to fight with each over I have put them in seprate spaces because they share the same cage but iam scared if I put them back together again they are realy going to hurt or in fact kil eachover what do I do because iam so worried
Well, my little sister has a hamster and I am getting one and I have to get another cage even though they are young because they are not litter mates. Yours are probably fighting because they were not litter mates and of older than 4 weeks of age.
Dwarf hamsters are very sociable animals. They get along with each other very well if you introduce them to each other in the beginning or at a very young age. These small fights are normal for dwarf hamsters if they don't injure each other physically. You can keep them together in that case.
My chinese dwarf hampester fight a lot! But When I Bought Them They Didn't. I Bought 6! 3 Girls and 3 Boys. They Were Ment To Be All Boys But When 2 Of them Became Pregnat I moved Them into A Spares Cadges OF There Own.
That ment that There Was One Left. She Became The one Every Hampster Wanted. The Boys Would Make Beds For Her And Groom Her, Even Give Her There Food. Soon The Males Were Compating For Her. There Was A Big Fight In THe Cadge. 1 Of The Males Died And The Other 2 Survied When I Seen Them Fighting. I Took Them Apart And Put Them In Plastic Balls.
They Would ram The Balls At Each Other. I went To Sleep one Night And Woke Up To A Big SQUEK!!! I Jumped Out Of Bed And Went TO The Cadges And The Pregnat Female Hampsters Were Giving Birth. I Called The Vet And He Came Round To Help Me! He's A My Boyfriend!! Lol. One Female had 2 Babies And The Other Had 3.
I Was Proud Of THem !! I Took The 2 MAles To See There Babies. But Didnt No If They Were the Fathers. I Came Down The Next Day And THe Mummy Hampster Was Dead. The Other Mummys Babie Had Died Leaving 2.
When They Grew Up I Got An Extra Extra LArge Cadge And Put All The Hampsters In It. Now All They Do Is Run Around ANd Have Fun. The Teenager Hampster Love MAking Beds For Each Other + They Love Running Threw The Tunnels That Spin All Round The UOt side Of The Cadge.
I have 2 hamsters called ant and dec and they keep fighting continously and wont stop. But dec always gets treats because we always think that ants dead because hes never out but then they fight because of jealousy and that because they are always trying 2 take eachothers bedding and food what they have stashed but we found out that if we put them in a bigger cage then they don't fight as much because they have a larger room away from eachother so sometimes when they fight we always shout at them quite loudly because ant is usually the one who starts it so we shout at him and he just stands there and looks at us whilst we shout but then he wont do it again for another couple of hours and when they do we get the one who caused the fight in the first place for about 10 mins and we put him in his ball for a bit so he can calm down so when he goes back if he starts again then we get the other one out so its fair and then they snuggle up and sleep together. So thats usually works with our hamsters :)
My hamsters did the same and I just left them and they stopped but then they started fighting and this morning I woke up to loud squeaking and I went t have a look and one of them had a massive cut on there back!! I am going to pets at home today to see what to do but I think I should separate them :( if I were you I would keep them together but if they fight hold the one that is attacking the other one because it may be because he is feeling left out, however if they still fight then separate them or go into the shop were you got them from and ask someone there. Hope that helps