
How Can I Euthanize My Pet Rat At Home?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get a shoebox. Place your rat pet inside with all its favorite foods. Start your car and place the box on the very end of the exhaust pipe with the cover on. Trace the outer edge of the pipe on the box cover. Cut 95% of the top for a quick opening and insertion to the exhaust, then place this shoebox underneath with some form of support so you don't have to hold it for the ten minutes needed for your sweet soon departed to inhale enough to pass on. Tape the cover back on and bury in an area of your choice. Invite friends and family for a celebration of your pet's life. Say prayers of your choice, sing of love lost and found, drink!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I suggest what the other person said, refusing to leave. They can't make you leave your pet. Also, make sure they gas your rat before the injection, otherwise the injection is very painful. It is possible that this is why they want you to leave, it may be cheaper for them to just do the injection, but it is VERY painful.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
With A Jack Russell mine love it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just out of curiosity, what health and safety laws?
I've been with all of my animals that have ever needed to be put to sleep.
Tell them to do it but REFUSE to leave, they can't force you to leave your pet alone to die.
Good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Umm, call animal control. Or just buy a small pet crate, stick in a lot of good bait, use something to close it, and find a HUMANE way, non-painful way to kill it, probally poison the bait. OR you could release it in a far, far, far, away woods where it can live in peace before its eaten by a cyote. Aww, peaceful sulution. Good Luck! (And don't go within, let's see, 100 yards of it, it could have rabies, either way a bite WILL hurt)

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