Will My Adult Male Cat Get Along With A New Male Kitten?


13 Answers

Jeromeproofer Penn Profile
All cats are different and will react differently when introducing a new cat into the family. One thing that you will have the answer to that will be a large factor is whether your cat has been in regular contact with other cats or kittens? This will make him feel less intimidated around this new kitten. You will not know what the reaction will be until you see what happens but introducing the two slowly should help both the cat and the kitten feel comfortable.

You will need to take care of the kitten as it will be very small and fragile when you first get it. Make sure that you supervise the kitten even when it is not around the adult cat.

There are eight steps to slowly introducing the adult cat and the kitten. The first step is to keep them isolated. Keep them in separate rooms; it will distress the adult cat less if you give the kitten one room and the adult the rest of the space. Step two is scent - swap toys and bedding around so that even though they have not met yet, they know the scent of the other cat. Step three is an advance on this and swapping rooms so that they are in each other's space.

Then you let them see each other at a distance. Step five is to let them see each other for short periods of time (supervised) and step six is to gradually make these visits longer. You will see how they are getting on and make a judgement on how long these visits should be. Then finally let them see each other unsupervised.

Do make sure that you give them equal attention as this will prevent any jealousy and potential cat fights.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes  my two 8 years did but felix love him to bits I sit down with them every timekeeping them a part and one day they came to him  jessie love him to but not a much as felix
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's likely that the cat will not hurt them

if the cat sees the kitten as a major threat it might attack but usually it will just hiss and walk away
Nathan Wendland Profile
Nathan Wendland answered
It might and might not. It depends on how your cat behaves usually. I have five cats and they mostly get along. Of course, they sometimes fight or pkay. At first, they would hide under a table and hiss or growl at one another.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
For a while they will might hate each other but after about a month they should grow to like each other or they might like each other straght away
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a beautiful 4 year old siamese applehead male who is very family oriented.   He loves my 3 boys 3,7 and 9 and is clingy to me. Nips me slightly if I am watching tv and not paying attention to him at night.  My kids are nagging me to get another cat so he will have a friend to play with.  I do not know what to do. This April, we have had him for 2 years.

When we took him in. A friend was moving and could not take pets in so we took him....he hid in the drop ceiling for 2 weeks.  Now he is fine. We are concerned how this cat/baby will react..I do not want this to adversely affect his disposition.  He is a great family pet and very loving and affectionate with us. The best cat I ever had....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a fixed male about 10 months had hm since he was just 8 weeks old. I just got a 16 week old male kitten and they hate each other. My older male constantly attacks the kitten but surprisingly the kitten is really holding his own. Now ive separated them . What is any ones advice?
Dominique Powers Profile
Probably not if your older male cat is very protect I've he will probably start to spray every thing. To say its His. Unn less it is fixed then It might not but get you younger cat fixed before 6 months and It probably won't spray. So good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a 5 month old kitten male and just found a baby kitten about 10 weeks well my 5 months don't seem to like him he stalks him and I`m sure he will hurt him  anyone got any advice
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just got a male kitten and my adult male is fine with him which surprised me because he's our alfa male Siamese, it's my female that's acting all big and bad with our new one. So it really depends on the cat. Just introduce them slowly.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well I have a female cat and she was about three when I got my kitten at first they didn't like each other at all... My female cat hid underneath my bed for 2 weeks and only came out when she had to... After about 2 weeks she realized he wasn't going away and just got used to it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a 7 month old male cat and a 10 week old kitten but my older cat growls and hisses what can I do
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a 3 year old male cat. About 2 weeks ago I adopted a female cat who was pregnant. She had her kittens 1 week ago. Will these two get along? Will the kittens get along with the male?

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