Why Is My Lab's Tail Suddenly Drooping?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Labs get this from swimming in cold water...it's called cold or drop tail...usually will work itself out
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We have 2 labs yellow age 5 and a black age 3 and they are very active dogs.We have an in ground pool and if we have family and friends over and we swim all day they both will get what the vet called tail down syndrome.The vet explained that is they have pushed their bodies to hard and it stops them.My yellow lab it seems to be very pain full for her and the vet has given her meds for the pain when it occurs and the black one will just rest herself for a couple days. Now that I know what it is I will just put them in the house after a couple hours of hard playing and swimming.
Leah goodison Profile
Leah goodison answered
Well firstly

It's properly because she's getting older

but if she's quite young are you stopping something she likes or taking away her fav toy? if so give her it back but try to cut down the time she spends with it if you don't like her playing with it
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
My 11 year old Beagle's tail has suddenly started sharply pointing to the left or the right. He does have liver disease, but if a dog moves his tail voluntarily, does this mean he's had a stroke? The tail now sharply points to the left or the right...not one side or the other.

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