
Is Peacock A Noisy Or Quite Bird If Selected As Pet?


4 Answers

silver swan Profile
silver swan answered
Peacocks are very noisy birds even though pretty calm and quiet during most of the year unless troubled, even in the middle of the night, the starting of reproduction period and a period of recurrent calling by peacocks. So this factor in mind and before getting or buying the peacock try to convince and warn the family members that the bird will make noise for a first few months. Ask the family members to see the peacock when it arrives. If they like the peacock then there is a greater probability that they will not be worried by its' noise. And, if the noise really is a problem then try to convince them.

There is nothing that can be done about the peacock noise. There is a book on peacock noise that tells how to devoice peacock but it is very dangerous and hardly ever done and also not recommended. A little bit of innovative good background, windbreaks, pen structure can help in cut downing the volume or noise of peacock. The good thing is that at the end of August and most likely earlier than reproduction period is over, the noise all but discontinues for 8 months or so.
susan Chandler Profile
susan Chandler answered
As a former breeder of peacocks, I will tell you that if you wish for a 'pet' peacock, you really need to start with a young bird. And older bird will not likely tame down, though it is possible. And they are known for staying in a territory, flying back to their first home if at all possible. I did an experiment with a chick, playing with it teaching it to ride on my shoulder, saying his name everytime I saw him, (Peabody) he would come when called. A friend took him and he remained handlable, but she did not keep him in a safe pen and a cyote took him from the fence, (He didn't see the difference between her dogs and the predator) Most books on peafowl will tell you that you can't visually sex a blue India until about 9 months, but I noticed that by examining the primary flightfeathers, a female will have feathers that are grey-brown, speckled with rust and the male will have rust. Yes they can be noisy for short bursts, but the more secure they feel the less of a problem that will be, as for deviocing - I doubt you will find a vet who would do it, and would you really want to be unable to hear him if he were in distress?
susan Chandler Profile
susan Chandler answered
I forgot to mention that the cry of the peacock - sort of a ma-raw ma-raw, is often heard in the background of most jungle movies, and another can sometimes sound like a woman calling for help!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are not to bad the males are more noisier then a female but still there not that bad

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