
What Does A Duck Billed Platypus Eat?


21 Answers

James FitzGerald Profile
Duck billed platypuses are carnivorous so their diet consists mainly of a number of small animals found on the seabed including shrimps and other crustaceans, insects, worms and a range of other types of shellfish.

The duck billed platypus performs a number of dives on a daily basis in order to catch and find its prey along the muddy water of the seabed. It uses its bill as an instrument to sense out electric waves or impulses of the animals that are lurking deep beneath the muddy waters.

They have incredible pocket like features in their cheeks, similar to a hamster's which allow them to store their prey after a successful hunt.

Their feet are also an essential part of hunting, while they are webbed they can be separated by the skin underneath to reveal sharp claw like feet which are the ideal instrument for digging along the sea bed for any shellfish or crustaceans. Duck billed platypuses can also consume small water animals including aquatic insect larvae, fresh water shrimp and crayfish.

The duck billed platypus tends to eat a lot more during the summer months than the winter period, this is done in order for the animal to build up fat reserves for the long winter months ahead; these are usually stored in the animal's tail.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It eats Insect larvae,worms,fresh water crayfish,tadpoles,frogs,and teeth less fish.
Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered
A duck billed platypus feeds almost exclusively on the small animals that live on the river bed or lake bed. These include shrimps and other crustaceans, insects, shellfish and worms. The platypus is not a vegetarian; it appears not to eat plants of any kind.

It finds its prey by sifting through the mud and slime on the bottom of the river bed with its sensitive bill. It filters the disturbed sediments picking up anything that is edible. Its cheek pouches are a bit like those of a hamster and they contain horny ridges that are used to grind down the tough casings of shellfish and insects before the platypus swallows them.

The platypus is well adapted to its amphibious life. The ends of the claws on its forefeet are covered by webbing which the platypus can fold back when on dry ground, leaving the claws free for digging and walking.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Crustaceans (shrimp, yabbies, etc.), insect larva, snails, worms, and small fish. Its a carnivore
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yabbies, small fish, shrimp, meal worms, crayfish, tadpoles, frogs, insect larvae, mussels and more
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They can eat a lot of things like fish, yabbies,shrimp, insects, mussels, frogs, tadpoles and much much more
Michael Regenauer Profile
They eat grubs, shrimp, worms, crayfish, mussels and aquatic insects. They scoop them up with their duck shaped bill.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

It eats shrimps crustaceans, insects worms, and shellfish. Sometimes even insect larvae. It hunts by diving. It uses it's bill to sense electric waves or impulses of animals down deep

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mostly bugs and fish when the get fish they have no teeth so the get rocks in their mouth and the rocks chew up the fish

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