Can You Put Hermit Crabs In A Fish Tank?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No! Bad idea! Hermit crabs drown. Bad, bad idea! 

How To Keep Hermit Crabs
Keep them in a tank with moist, deep sand or eco earth and a shallow pool of both freshwater and ocean water.
Please visit for good info on hermit crab care, as many pet stores and other websites do not give good or even valid information.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I've read a lot of things online, because I'm going to get a crab, and everything I've read says NOT to put a crab in amongst fish.

However, when I went to the store, they said it was okay to put the crab in the tank, as long as it can reach the air. 
So I guess you have to put something in the tank so they can get to the surface to breathe, because unlike fish, they don't have gills!  That's all I know, so hope it helped :D
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, hermit crabs live on land, and will drown in a fish-tank!

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