Do Earthworms Or Any Other Kind Of Worm Have Teeth?


4 Answers

Rachel Sharp Profile
Rachel Sharp answered
Earthworms don't have teeth - although they do have mouths that are muscular and open wide for fitting in food. "Food" is usually decaying matter, including leaves. It is softened by moisture and microrganisms before the worm eats it, so teeth aren't necessary!

"Nightcrawlers" as earthworms are known, can pull leaves into their burrows using their strong mouths. They can also eat their way through their tunnels. An earthworm's stomach is also very muscular, and is called a gizzard. It works like a bird's gizzard, grinding up food.

Unlike in the horror movies, worms don't have teeth. Obviously, they don't grow to be as big as buildings, either! Some worms, however, have satae on their epidermal layers to hold them in soil. These are rather course and could seem like teeth. If you were holding a worm, the rough satae might cause you to think you were bitten.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Earthworms certainly do not have teeth;they don't need them because they absorb nutrients from the soil with their bodies. And no other worm that I'm aware of has teeth.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One of them bit my glove how do you explain that

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