
What If A Big Red Bump Occurs On Your Dog?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your dog may be suffering from allergies
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are many types of bumps in dogs. Some bumps are harmless but some can be problematic. Even harmless bumps can cause irritations in dogs due to their size and require treatment. All bumps require physical examination before start of treatment. These bumps can be lipomas, hematomas, abscess, hives, sebaceous  infected hair follicles  etc.

In dogs,  most usually lumps or bumps are lipomas which are non painful and fatty growths. These lipomas are usually don't cause any problem but can cause discomforts due to oversize or location. These lipomas usually don't require treatment but surgery can be performed to relieve discomfort.

In my opinion, all growths in the dogs should be evaluated by vet before start of any treatment.

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