My dog Sadie ate a bunch of shale from our lane. Due to the jaggedness of the shale, the vet did surgery to remove it from her stomach. She is recovering well, but she still wants to try and eat shale. She loves to be outside with us but when we are busy, we can't keep a constant eye on her. I have to make a decision on what to do. A shock collar is out of the question. I've been leaning towards a special muzzle when she is outside. Your thoughts? This pic is the shale that was removed from her stomach.
What would you do to keep your pet from eating something they shouldn't? The vet says my dog isn't lacking anything in her diet and the food we give her is good. (details to dilemma in answers)
I am so sorry my friend. I am glad she is recovering well. I had to look up shale. WOW! I thought it was going to be plant base or bark like where maybe there was something you could spray around the tree to detour her away. (Like fox urine or orange peels to keep cats away.) But with it being rock..... Gosh how would you do that!?!? I wonder why she thinks it taste good?
If I remember correctly, you have a pretty long driveway, so paving it would be a very expensive endeavor and most likely out of the question. Fencing along both sides of the driveway is probably out too.
The muzzle seems like the only alternative but what a pain in the butt that would be for both you and the dog.
I'm at a loss here with a solution but I'm super glad that your dog is OK now.
Good morning, Mountain Man. Glad to hear Sadie is okay. I found this article. Don't know if this would help, but he mentions a cone. Maybe a cone would be a better alternative than a basket muzzle.
Oh my! I'm so glad she is doing well now. Sorry I can't add to what's already been said.
Do you think spraying the area with this solution might help?
My puppy -face developed a taste for firewood logs near the fireplace. I was worried about splinters and of course the mess.
A couple drops of Tobasco sauce on the logs and he turned his nose up afterwards. It got to the point if he became too interested in something he shouldn't have...all I had to do was screw open the lid and he went scurrying away from it.
Always test on an inconspicuous spot. It might stain. Oh... And be mindful of your eyes.
I've never heard of shale before. I just want to ad that I'm glad Sadie is going to be OK. I'm sorry she had to go through surgery to have it removed.
I support a shock collar but only if the dog is properly trained, and the collar gives plenty of forewarning . . .
I live next to a street where people speed for no reason other then it is off the beaten path (very little police) . . . . I would have several dead dogs if not for my invisible fence.
I like you idea of the muzzle . . . Can they still drink though with that on . . . To me, that seems worse then a shock collar, just because a dog's nose/mouth are super sensitive.
Refresh has the right idea of exercising the dog, to mentally placate the animal . . . When dogs are bored they get into mischief . . .
Bitter apple spray is suppose to keep them from hewing on things they are not suppose to chew. Also keep a Nylabone handy. When you see him going for the rocks redirect him with the Nylabone, or maybe an antler.
Black pepper.