My dogs favorite treat is canned cut green beans. She gets about 4 of them twice a day. The vet recommended them to stave off her desire to eat grass and puke all over the house. It's been working for 6 years now.
Whip cream.
I would assume Nausages.
Bacon treats
"Nudges" jerky
Gee...after hearing health concerns, even mortalities I immediately stopped giving my dog those packaged store bought treats.
I now give my dog liver,peas and carrots. Actually, my dog loves food and thinks anything hand fed is a treat.
I have NO IDEA WHY, but my Husky/Terrier mix goes absolutely bonkers for the Trader Joe's Cinnamon Apple snack sticks:
Vitamin paste for ferrets)
Hi there! I only have dogs and their favourite treats are butter biscuits, roasted chicken meat and livers, raw bones, bananas, mangoes, papayas, potatoes cooked in meat, carrots and several other vegetables. My pets are not used to kibbles or pellets; these treats are too expensive and I do not trust their content at all!
I have 2 cats. They like canned cat food and tuna
My dog's favourite treat must be everything edible, lol. But seriously though, he enjoys yogurt a lot.