
what do primates eat?


6 Answers

Pinkish Axolotl Profile
Pinkish Axolotl answered

All sorts of things

It depends on the types of primates

Gorillas are mostly plant eaters,

Chimpanzees might even hunt and eat smaller monkeys.

Nealious James Profile
Nealious James answered

there! Are you from this planet?! If you are, I wonder how come you do not know
what primates eat!? If you have an idea of where they dwell, you will probably
be able to guess what their diet might be made up with! Well, they will be seen
in forests most of the time and, as you know, we only find trees, shrubs and
other animals in there. This must have answered your question! Do take some
time to watch some National Geographic documentaries, they will help you out!

Rath Keale Profile
Rath Keale answered

WE are primates.  We are omnivorous.

Other primate groups eat what can find in their habitat.  Look it up.

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

Many primates, monkeys, are fruitivores while other are omnivores eating a variety of plant matter. Some great apes even include some meat in their diet.

3 People thanked the writer.
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Fruitivores, John?
John McCann
John McCann commented

I prefer the old term, fruitivore, to frugivore. ( both need to be added to the dictionary here )
Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Yes, ours is a living language. :)

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