
Which Came First : Dinosaurs Or Adam And Eve?


10 Answers

Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Dinosaurs, obviously. The evidence is all around us in the fossil record. And of course, there is equally strong evidence for the existence of many other creatures and life forms going back millions of years even before the dinosaurs. A quick trip to any natural history museum, or even a few hours spent somewhere rich in natural history such as the Jurassic coast in southern England, is enough to convince anyone with an open mind that the earth's life is incredibly complex and ancient.

The people who wrote the ancient books of the Bible didn't intend them to be taken as literally true. All peoples and all cultures have a traditional story about how the world started. You aren't necessarily expected to take it as historical fact, just a way of making sense of our lives.
nanna nanna Profile
nanna nanna answered
God made man and animals on the sixth day, dinosaurs are in the animals catergory.

Did you know that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. They aren't called dinosaurs but the behemoth and the leviathan. Its in the book of Job chapters 40 verse 15 - 24 and chapter 41 verses 1 - 10. Some version say they are an elephant or an alligator but if you remember the elephant's tail it is very small not like the tail of a cedar that the King James Bible says it is like. Then in verse 19 of chapter 41 it says the leviathan spits fire from its mouth, I know that alligators can't do that. Just thought you would like to know.

The term "dinosaur" was given in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen and derives from Greek word (deinos) "terrible, powerful, wondrous" (sauros) = "lizard". = Terrible, powerful, wondrous lizard.
It was Sir Richard Owen who found some of the first dinosaur fossils. They were teeth.
They were pretty big too. He studied many types of animals and was pretty sure that these teeth did not belong to any living animal today. He did however think it was similar to a lizards tooth. So he named the dinosaurs. This discovery caused many others to be curious and they to began looking for dinosaurs.

All of Gods creatures are amazing.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I was trying to find that in the Bible to answer this question. I just learned of this while watching something on KET.
Selie Visa Profile
Selie Visa answered
Check out the sequence of the Creation as summarized here.

1st day: Light
2nd day: Atmosphere and water
3rd day: Land
4th day: Sun, moon and stars
5th day: Birds and fish
6th day: Animals and then man.

On the sixth day God created animals and after that mankind. Notice something very significant here. This is all about God's love for us. Only after everything is prepared, only after everything is in place did God made man.

Dinosaurs were created by God. Adam was not a primitive primate or apes. He was intelligent and named all the animals. I don't understand why people are so caught up on dinosaurs. Millions of species of plants and animals are extinct. Some are on the verge of extinction even now and this certainly is a wake up call to protect our environment from degradation and preserve nature.
Mark Mottian Profile
Mark Mottian answered
There is a possibility that dinosaurs came first scientifically wise and biblically wise. In the bible, god said that Adam and Eve were the first people on earth and not the first animal, creature or organism.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
God made man and animals on the sixth day, dinosaurs are in the animals catergory.

Did you know that dinosaurs are mentioned in the Bible. They aren't called dinosaurs but the behemoth and the leviathan. Its in the book of Job chapters 40 verse 15 - 24 and chapter 41 verses 1 - 10. Some version say they are an elephant or an alligator but if you remember the elephant's tail it is very small not like the tail of a cedar that the King James Bible says it is like. Then in verse 19 of chapter 41 it says the leviathan spits fire from its mouth, I know that alligators can't do that. Just thought you would like to know.

The term "dinosaur" was given in 1842 by Sir Richard Owen and derives from Greek word (deinos) "terrible, powerful, wondrous" (sauros) = "lizard". = Terrible, powerful, wondrous lizard.
It was Sir Richard Owen who found some of the first dinosaur fossils. They were teeth.
They were pretty big too. He studied many types of animals and was pretty sure that these teeth did not belong to any living animal today. He did however think it was similar to a lizards tooth. So he named the dinosaurs. This discovery caused many others to be curious and they to began looking for dinosaurs.

All of Gods creatures are amazing.
Ethan Graham Profile
Ethan Graham answered
Dinosaurs... But back in the day of Jesus Christ the Disciples who wrote the bible obviously wouldn't have been aware of them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Two movies to answer the question: "inherit the wind" with jack lemon and "jurassic park" the whole trilogy..inherit the wind deals with religion over darwin or vice versa and jurassic park is all about using science to become a god. Good stuff.

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