Chicken crumble from a rural supply store or pet shop or feed them some cooked rice. Give them water in a very shallow dish so they can reach into or are able to get out of if they fall in. Water will need to be changed frequently as it will warm or get dirty. Good Luck.
They. Should eat this thing called chick grows and they should eat it 4 a few months also drink a lot of water only! And Just take care of them
You can feed new chicks, food called chick crumb. They don't feed for at least 24hrs and can survive this time without anything. You have to then supply them with crumb and water in shallow containers so that they don't fall in and drown.
Baby chicks eat worms tha there mother ate and spit back up in to there mouths. If you are raising them you can go to a pet shop or tractor feed store they can help you
Chick mash just buy it at a local feed store or true value or something like that
You need to get chick starter feed. I would get a chick feeder with the little holes in it. That way they don't step in it or poop in it. They have chick waterers too. It keeps the water shallow enough that they don't drown.
What kind of chicks? Chicken chicks forage for seeds, bugs, plants and roots. If you are feeding them a commercial Chick starter for the first month is the best feeding plan to go with their foraging.
the previous answers fit wild birds, but seed eater parents regurgitate a seed mash instead of bugs.
the previous answers fit wild birds, but seed eater parents regurgitate a seed mash instead of bugs.
Chicks are not like adults birds the systems are not immune to diseases and different types of foods. The only thing a chick needs is when born is a chick starter which is a gel type that is fed on the very first day they are born after that you need to go to a chick starter/grower for the next five to six months with very little variables in diet. You need them to grow up big and strong not weak and fat. After that start introducing the finisher feed or laying mash dependng on what you want to do with your birds. Once they are used to that you can start introducing treats and oyster shell and grit.
Give them warm water or milk
They eat ground dry corn and seeds, bugs, and sometimes grass.
Oatmeal or chick food
Boiled eggs, oats, seeds, roots, grass, oatmeal, rice, barley, chopped up:ground beef spaghetti grapes and raw corn on the cob, chicken feed=the baby kind
I have 3 chicks that are 4 days old.
I have 3 chicks that are 4 days old.
I want to now what baby chicks eat. I have lots of baby chicks
Don't believe any of them! New borns need to be bottle fed with a milk formula for a long time, kept warm and out of trouble...or maybe I am thinking of something else!