Sarah gave you a pretty good answer.
The puppy is still very young so maybe it will take more time for him or her to respond to your calls.
You might also want to consider the circumstances when this happens. Does he never respond when called? Or only sometimes? Here you can find some of the reasons why a dog doesn't answer when called (if it is disobedience, irrelevance, or apprehensiveness).

You might also want to consider that there are also breed differences when it comes to train them to the recall. For example, hounds are difficult to teach them to respond when called. The main thing here is to find a way your puppy can learn, some thing creative like different toys, scents or food that you can use to attract his attention.
Also, any time he or she comes to you when called show appreciation by smiling, praising, showing affection or giving some treats. You might try to rung away from your puppy while you call, because dogs usually find it hard to resist chasing after a running person.
Here is also a more detailed article with some tips. As Sarah said, try different methods and keep the learning process fun and engaging for the dog. It might take a while but each kind of dog is different (just like people) so you might need to show a bit more patience and dedication.
Good luck!