Milk products can also increase your mucus....that is why most singers stay away from milk products. Also good to stop milk products with kids who are prone to ear infections...the mucus will build up in their ears and cause the infections. More water, less/no milk products :)
What Causes Constant Very Thick Saliva, Bad Breath? Also Sore Tongue. I've Been To Ent, Gp,dentist, Dental Surgeon And Internal Medicine. I Have Had Cat Scans, Mri's And Physical Exams And Nobody Can Find Anything Wrong.
I would first of all increase my water intake. It sounds simple but dehydration can cause all sorts of issues people do not thing possible, Water is an underestimated remedy of everything from headaches to overweight issues. If your drinking a lot of water currently increase the amount. All that can happen is you will have to urinate more and it just might cure your problems.