Now that it's infected you are going to need the vet. This shouldn't be too major financially as long as you get it taken care of soon. If you try to take care of it from home your pup could go septic and that is a lot more expensive than just having your vet take a look, go over what you need to be doing at home and the appropriate antibiotics.
Putting off the vet and trying to take care of it home and without their advice could cost you a lot more than going sooner. You can also mention finances to them to see if they are able to help you out in any way as well and the worst that can happen is that they can't. I hope both your babies are feeling better soon.
Putting off the vet and trying to take care of it home and without their advice could cost you a lot more than going sooner. You can also mention finances to them to see if they are able to help you out in any way as well and the worst that can happen is that they can't. I hope both your babies are feeling better soon.