It is very, very uncommon for a puppy of this age to need anal glands emptied. Also food allergies are very unlikely and should not cause blisters on the anus.
Have your puppy examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of this blister. A rectal prolapse is a possibility--and can look very pink in color like a blister. In a young puppy some kind of congenital abnormality is possible.
Trauma or injury can cause skin lesions in any dog.
Make sure she is defecating appropriately.
Have your puppy examined by a veterinarian to determine the cause of this blister. A rectal prolapse is a possibility--and can look very pink in color like a blister. In a young puppy some kind of congenital abnormality is possible.
Trauma or injury can cause skin lesions in any dog.
Make sure she is defecating appropriately.