What Is A List Of Animals That Live In A Pond?


2 Answers

James Parnell Profile
James Parnell answered
Literally thousands of animals can live in a pond - far too many to be able to list them all here!

The species of creatures found in a pond will depend on whereabouts in the world you live, and how big the pond is.

Here is a list of some animals that live in ponds:
  • Fish - The most obvious answer. There are thousands of species of common freshwater fish throughout the world, some of which may not have been discovered yet!
  • Amphibians - Frogs, toads and newts are frequent visitors to any garden pond. They like to either sit in the grass just above the water's edge or bathe in the pond itself.
  • Birds - Ducks, geese and swans can be found in most large freshwater ponds and rivers.
  • Insects - Thousands of different insects can be found at almost any pond, ranging from dragonflies to mosquitoes.
  • Mammals - Small mammals - such as shrews or minks - may choose to burrow very close to the water's edge, due to the amount of food that the pond has to offer.
There are hundreds, if not thousands, more animals that could live in or near a pond!

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