What Happens If The Afterbirth Doesn't Come Out After The First Kitten Is Born?


2 Answers

Not to be too frightened, sometimes you will never see the afterbirth, mums are very thorough, and there is a sac attached to each kitten, did you see these? Maybe not! See mums are very thorough, if she is well within herself don't panic, you just missed it!
Hope new family is all well and growing !
I don't understand Johnnyc777 comment? Its a cat not a dog?? Do you mean the picture of the dog on the get vet comment?? Oh wow!

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The afterbirth will not come out after the first kitten is born, but after the last kitten is born. If more than an hour has passed after the last kitten was born, and no afterbirth is visible, then take your cat to the vet as it could get stuck in her canal and make her sick.

Each kitten will be covered in a membrane, and once they are born the mother will lick this off. The licking will also stimulate breathing. However, if the mother does not lick the kitten, then the kitten could die, so you need to get a soft cloth and rub it thoroughly to stimulate the breathing and uncover the nose so it can get air.

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