
What Is A Salamander?


2 Answers

E Jacobson Profile
E Jacobson answered
A salamander is an amphibian with a short body, four legs and a tail. They range in size from about 10 centimetres (4 inches) up to a giant 180 centimetres (70 inches).
Salamanders have very large eyes and a large mouth, which is convenient because they eat slugs and snails.
Interestingly, salamanders never drink water, but they can absorb water and oxygen through their skin, which is always very slippery and moist. However, the exception to this rule is the newt, which is a form of salamander but the only one to have a very thick and textured skin, unlike the other slamanders.
Salamanders are rarely seen because most of the time that they are awake they try to remain hidden from view. However, they can be very active at night, during the hours of darkness.
Like most amphibians, salamanders spend some of their life in the water and some on land.
Lovika Grover Profile
Lovika Grover answered
Salamander is a commonly used name for more than 500 amphibians that have slender bodies, long tails and short legs. These amphibians have moist skins and they are well fitted in or around the areas with water or maybe in the areas with some protection under the moist grounds, generally in the forests.

There are some species of salamanders which are aquatic for their entire life, there are some species which take the water from time to time, and there are some species which are completely terrestrial when they are grown as adults.

The salamanders resemble the lizards to a great deal. The only point of difference is that these salamanders lack scales. These salamanders have the capabilities of regenerating their lost limbs.

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