My Hamster Is So Hyper And Won't Let Me Hold Him, Will He Grow Out Of This?


16 Answers

Heather Loguercio Profile
If your hamster is very hyper, I would put him in a ball, and let him roll around 'till he gets tired. Then hold him, and put him back in the cage to sleep. I do this with babies, and it works great!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is your hamster young? Sometimes the young ones are so easily stimulated and excited/curious about everything when you take them out of the cage.
I like to put them on a bed and let them run around and when they are ready to stop. I pick them up and play with them. They sort of have to investigate every area before they are ready to let their guard down. Be patient... Hamsters are just wired like that!
Hannah Lee Profile
Hannah Lee answered
Yes. It should. Here's an idea. You can put it in a hamster ball and let it roll around a bit. Your hamster should be free to hold and pet now as much as you want.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I know the feeling I just got a dwarf hamster the smallest one from the litter a petco and she runs around the cage on the wheel and everything..I've had a hamster before and he wasnt has hyper has this one is. Its so ward..Just went to let her out and she's a sleep lol guess I'll be waiting til tonight
Genevieve Lovell Profile
Did you just get him/her? If you did its because its not use to the surroundings you should try putting food or trats in your hand calmly put it in his/her cage he/she will smell it and will come to you when it goes in your hand slowly satrt putting it out of its cage take her/him with both hands gently!!!!! Wash your hands before handling her/him. Hope I helped:D
Melanie  Szasz Profile
Melanie Szasz answered

If your hamster is young, they tend to be hyper.  As they get older, they will start to calm down a little.  But if it's still happening, put him/her in a ball, get them a wheel in their cage, just try to find out ways to make her tired.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My hamsters r really hyper and first I couldnt carry them but now they let me hold them but don't let other people hold them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My hamster gets very excited at times what I do I have this fold up maze and I put him in it he loves it eventualy he will calm down its kind fun to watch him solve the maze 2
Ayesha Griffiths Profile
Well, he prob gets bored so what you have to do is fill his cage with lots of stuff such as Wheels, tubes, and make sure he has lots of dry food. Handle him a lot and buy him a ball. He'll calm down after a while ;) Good luck x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Probably not. You need to let it run in an exercise ball for 15-20 minutes each day, and that will let out a lot of energy. You can purchase one at petsmart or any other local pet stores.
ayesha griffiths Profile
My hamster is the same. Try putting in loads of toys . I use a wheel, 5 toilet tubes, normal water, and guine pig food helps!!

Put it into a free roam ball for 3 times a day, 30mins a time, and talk to it at day.. This will wear it out.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well if it is a dwarf hamster most likely he/she wont because they are wild and very fast or maybe your hamster us just a mean one next time hold your hamster before buying  and if it bites pick another
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I onli bought 1 because they are cut an a can't catch tha wee thing I want to old him there no poit me buyin 1 jus to luk at it fs! I want to hold him ive called him nibbles n fink he is cute buh I jus realli want to hold I I will never in my life again get another 1 and I'm onli 17 I knw its a sin to say but  can't wait ntil it des untill I get 1 I can actulli hold
derik wishes Profile
derik wishes answered
I think that fluff ball is right, but you also have to be brave enough to grab a hold of him and hold him your self. Do this several times a day and he will get use to it enough to start knowing who you are good luck

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