Make a cone out of paper, tape it facing inward of a water bottle, leave no spaces in between except at bottom of the cone, add rotting fruit to bottom of water bottle. Keep bottom of bottle moist. Put outside on hot day. Flies are attracted within the hour
Put a cup of old mushy scraps and wait for the flies to be buzzing around the cup outside, once you catch a few wait a couple days, the flies will lay eggs in the scraps, wait 4 days then put the cup in the frog tank and, soon, the flies will hatch and the frog will have live food for a long time
THe best way to capture house flies is to watch for them to fly on to an indoor window then trap them using plastic wrap. Use a 1/2 page-size sheet, holding it with both hands. Quickly, but gently place the wrap on top of the fly, then carefully peel back creating a pocket for the fly. Then carefully pull the wrap off the window creating a "bag" holding the fly. Place it in the freezer for 15 minutes (or until the fly is not active), then release into your terrarium or whatever you're keeping your lizards and frogs, etc. In.
Are your lizards or frogs handicapped? If not, then why are you catching flies for them? If you'd like to attract more flies, then use a SMALL piece of fruit (small as in the equivalent of what would be a pinch of salt). Put the fruit into or near your pets habitat. Peach & banana seem to work the fastest.
Some frogs don't like to eat because they are young, if you got a frog for wild sometime they will not eat anything and in this case you have to let them go.
I've always caught flies for my frog with one of those little nets people use for goldfish. Try to sneak up behind them where they have a blind spot, and use the net like a fly swat. When flies get caught, they always go to the top of the net to try to escape, which makes it super easy to pinch the net underneath and trap them. Simple :)
I've found the best way to catch flies is with one of those little nets people use for goldfish. Try to sneak up behind them where they have a blind spot, and use the net like a fly swat. Flies always go to the top of the net when caught (probably to try to escape), which makes it super easy to pinch the net underneath the fly to trap it. Simple :)
What I did as a kid was take a pickle jar and wash it out. Then add small food scraps at th bottom. Once the flies come in I seal it with plastic wrap. The tricky part is taking them out. Good luck
I grab a net and paper folded in half then get close to one on the ground or surface and get my net real close and slam it on. Then I carefully slide the paper under it
Ugh, I had to do this for my daughter two years ago. I kept the house open, let the flies in and then would close the door, take a cup and put it over the fly on a window, put it in the cage. Hope this helps.
They are attracted to spoiling food, but once you have them they can be hard to get rid of and may not be the safest for your pets carrying diseases and parasites etc...
Our family has an electric fly swatter its shaped like a tennis racket and there's button on the side. You hold down the button and swat the fly, then it makes a popping noise and you know its dead :) Ps. We got our at a local hardware store.