How Do I Get Rid Of Flying Ants?


10 Answers

jerome penn Profile
jerome penn answered
Flying ants only come around a few times a year and are easily rid of with chemical bug spray, homemade remedies or simply the old fashioned swat. During the ‘flying ant season’ which occurs when the weather is warmer, the queen ants in each surrounding colony will grow wings and travel to find other colonies to mate with and create new colonies with. Once a female ant has mated, she then loses her wings and prepares her search to join a new colony.

After the males mate with the females, they lose their wings and die. To rid your home of a small colony of flying ants, it’s as simple as hitting them with a blunt object, like a shoe or fly swatter. For larger colonies, use bug sprays or powders that are specifically designed to kill ants. If you have small children or animals, and do not wish to use chemicals to treat the flying ants, you can use homemade repellents instead.

Take ½ a teaspoon of honey, Equal, Splenda, or another sugar substitute that contains aspartame, and mix with any house hold cleaner made with baking soda. Pour this in the area of the ants nest, and the ants will carry this mixture to their colony, killing them and preventing more colonies within your home. If possible keep your windows shut for the duration of the swarm; if not, placing netted screens over your windows will help keep out these ants. It is important that you kill any surrounding colonies to prevent further infestation of these unwanted pests.

Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
Hey, Google "flying ants" to get a good pic of one. Look very carefully at your walls for little pinholes, flying termites. I hate pesticides. Fl. Native, and I never have pests in my home. Clean your window wells & door sills. Sprinkle cinnamon. I sprinkle against my outside walls every couple months. (old remedy) I purchase the 4/1.00 at dollar store. Check out I just got e-mails quoting this sight. Bounce sheets seem to be pretty effective around pet bowls. Pantries etc. You want to a good one? Listerine put in a spray bottle. ( mosquitoes, flying insects ) Spray around your patio, play areas, pool etc. Both these remedies smell great, safe for plants, kids, animals & the environment.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Wow, those sound like very good, economical, and safe remedies! So you say the cinnamon will repel the flying ants or basically encourage them to go outside instead of stay inside? As I told the previous commenter, I am attempting the boric acid and sugar concoction. I know pesticides are bad, but I cannot deal with these bugs. But I do like your ideas and I just wanted to know if they will destroy their colony, because I am open to any suggestion!
Mr Midwest Profile
Mr Midwest answered
First you need to make sure they are flying ants and not termites. In either case, they themselves are harmless. They are released to try to establish a new colony. You need to find the location where they emerged from. If they are ants, try baiting to kill the queens (gel baits are the best), spray only as necessary with a pyrethrin based spray. DO NOT USE RAID, it only repels contrary to their claims. If it is termites, hire a professional.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Yes, they are ants. I checked outside and I found their little colony right up against the brick wall and when I think of their location in the kitchen, it seems plausible that that is where they are coming from. But what baffles me is that these little boggers only come out at night! I am leaving my light on at night to avoid the sight of a massacre--Do you think that is causing the opposite effect? They are never alive when I see them, they are just on the floor. Someone told me to mix a little bit of sugar and boric acid and let them feed on it since they like sugar and grease and that they will take it back to the colony and share it with their homies. She also said that they eat each other when they are dead. With that in mind, I did put some boric acid and sugar along the cracks behind the fridge, and around the backs of the cabinets under the sink. I also put some along cracks of the outside of my home and by their colony. If this does work how long do you think it will take for me to see some results?
Cindy Thompson Profile
Cindy Thompson answered
Ants are hard to get rid of with over the counter remedies. I would call a professional exterminator. It will be worth the money as ants can damage your home. Peace.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Had this problem, too this year - you need to get a professional - even they know the ant is the *most* difficult to keep at bay. Google "winged ants" and you'll get an idea what you've got. I got stung by one of the buggers, which led to discovering the workers in the windowsill. Too gross for words.

Keep your place cleaner than Martha Stewart, vacuum the dead ones. Until you can get an exterminator, I've had success with cinnamon for the large black ants, but this doesn't work with the acrobat ant, which were the ones mating with wings around here. Orkin had to take care of that.

Dr. Bronner's peppermint soap can be used too - you can find this at health food stores or sally beauty (I think). If you can find the trail, spray this (get a spray bottle) with the peppermint soap. This stops the respiratory system - but you STILL need an exterminator, maybe several times, to really get rid of the colony and treat the nest, and the outside of your place, as well.

Best of luck - anyone want to see how bad flying ants can be, search on there are a few very disgusting videos. This is a very bad problem this year all over the place, Orkin lady told me today.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Try boiling water, then cheap bleach   also keep weeds at bay near your house my ants were living of roots so I used roundup havent seen any this year and I am usually plagued by thousands from spring to autumn including the flying ones yuck!
emily jayne Profile
emily jayne answered
You should get some raid I have the same problom I find ants everywhere ! They were even IN my computer so when I brought it in my room they all started cralling out of the vent and so I vacumed them up and put some raid by the doorway. If you do use raid make sure your fdog doesnt lick it its poison to dogs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yea a couple years ago I had the same problem I would say at least 30,000 flying ants were in my house. I just swatted them and in about a months time they where all gone.
Grant Miller Profile
Grant Miller answered
I frequently stay up all night, playing online poker in the dining room. Every morning, around 6 am, flying ants start flying around the chandelier, and then fall onto the table underneath of it. I can't find where they are coming from.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yeah I also have came home and found an infestation of winged ants in my apartment, after spraying two cans of ant raid spray, and setting 14 different traps  I hope this will be resolved in about 2 weeks...

But letting my apartment complex know for the 3 rd time to call an exterminator. I truly hate apartment living.

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