Is My Puppy Blind?


8 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The dog is 2yrs old and has very limited vision, I think he sees light or has some peripheral vision.  It may be cataract,but we don't' have the money for operation, if there is one for dogs.  How much does it cost to get an eye operation for  a chihuahua
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If your dog is a husky or dalmation it is probably blind!???!
Just like people, some dogs are born blind, develop sudden blindness, or gradually lose their vision. If blindness develops slowly or in just one eye, you may not even notice your pet's handicap because she will adjust her behavior to compensate. Visually impaired dogs navigate their homes quite well, just as you do in the dark. But move some furniture around, and you'll soon spot the problem.
Blindness is associated with many illnesses that affect the eyes—or involve the whole body. Causes include corneal diseases, cataracts (sometimes associated with diabetes mellitus), liver disease, seizures, poisonings, infectious diseases, hemorrhage, trauma, bleeding disorders, cancer, glaucoma, injury to the brain's vision centers, and progressive retinal deterioration.
Sudden vision loss can accompany temporary or reversible conditions, but slow, progressive vision loss is usually permanent.
What you can do at home
If your dog acts confused, stumbles, or bumps into things, test her to see if she can navigate a new furniture arrangement or an unfamiliar environment. Sudden blindness is more obvious, because the dog usually displays dramatic behavior changes.
When to call the veterinarian
If you suspect your dog is blind, take her to your veterinarian for diagnosis. See the doctor immediately if blindness occurs suddenly or if your pet exhibits other symptoms of illnesses.
paul williams Profile
paul williams answered
Dogs like people can have poor eyesight. It is possible for your puppy to be still developing or has an eye problem which may be blind or has poor eyesight.
Meta Forrest Profile
Meta Forrest answered
If you are worried about this take your dog to a vet who can do some tests and put your mind at rest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What kind of puppy is it?  How old is it?  Some breeds of dogs, have a history of being born with bad eyesight.  Does his eye look hazy or hazed over?  If this continues, I would take him to the vet, to have him checked out, it might be a good idea to do that anyway.  Good-Luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have a puppy that is a few months old and for the last couple days she has been very sick .she was having seizure's and was completely out of ir  when she finally came to and stopped having them shes acting like she can't c walking around unbalanced and not focusing
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hello I am getting a puppy in 2 days the owner said she had her 1st jabs the started to walk into things how do I know weather she is blind can 1st jabs cause  blindness she is a lab and only 10 weeks old could it be she still developing pls help !
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have no idea if your puppy is blind cause your probaly the blind one not your dog and by the way who are you crazy person

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