
Can Lizards Drink Water And Eat Earthworms?


5 Answers

Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
If you don't want to talk to a vet about it, then call a pet store, one of the more reputable ones, and ask them. They should be able to tell you, and if you don't know what type of lizard it is, then take it to the pet shop and they should most definitely be able to help you out. Hope this helps, good luck.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,they can drink water my green anole used to drink water from a shallow bowl.I'm not shure about earth worms though I think they can because my female fence lizard loves to eat yellow jacket larvea,(which are hard to get because I have to take a wasp nest)hope this helped=)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is very obvious that lizards do drink water in order to survive, but it really depends on the kind of lizard you talking about, there are certain species of lizards that have their complete survival over herbs and they are vegetarian and as for the other species of lizards, mostly eat spiders. Talking about lizards form, bearded dragons are known for eating crickets, grasshoppers, mealworms and also earthworms. So lizards do drink water, but not all types and kinds of lizards eat earthworms.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think the can eat earthworms because I put in my house geckos cage and the liked them

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