Perhaps they just change places, you think, because I don't know......SMILE and right now I feel like being silly....
If Male Cows And Moose Are Called Bulls, Then Why Is A Female Cow A Heifer, And A Female Moose A Cow?
In the first place, there are no such things as Male COWS, they are Bulls or Steers or just Cattle. Cows give milk. A young cow is called a Heifer until they are bred ten they are just Cows. We don't breed or milk female Moose, Well MOST of us don't anyway. Don't know about those Canadians though.
Hey, men named the animals, what more could you expect. They weren't that educated back then. Or now.
Just that lovable nonsense of the Government.
In an effort to offend other countries besides Canada, I will say in Japan they are called
"Cow- a- sockees"
"Cow- a- sockees"
Because we live in America, Land of the free, Home of George Bush
Since you girls don't seem to know, I guess the men will have to educate you - again. A female cow is only a heifer until the bull takes an interest in her and she drops her first calf, then she becomes a cow.
Because, on that late and lonely night, when the ingenious linguist named them, he couldn't remember the phrase.. Here kitty, here kittty? Maybe a case of trans-gender ahead ot its time..LOL
Because the Senate and House of Representatives named them.