Actually small doses of garlic don't affect dogs, as a matter fact most dog foods contain garlic. A sprinkle of garlic powder in their food 3 times a week repels fleas and helps fight disease. I do it and my dogs are healthy a flea free.
The garlic thing is very controversial as I see it. But can somebody tell me if they had treated their dog and the result has been positive? I am desperate for my toy poodle is sick with a lot of congestion to the point that he chokes on water when he drinks, I am so scared. Please somebody helps me in answering my question. I do not have any money to take him to the vet at this time and I need to make him feel better.
Garlic is helpful as a home remedy for chest congestion. You can make chest cleaning ointment with garlic at home. Click here to see, how you can make it.
Before you give your dog any garlic or any garlic product you need to read these and consult your vet. It is toxic in many cases and people are killing their dogs and making them sick because they don't understand the differences or amounts and only hear garlic is okay. It's another one of those deadly home remedy's making the rounds.