
What Do Goldfish Eat Besides Fish Food?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bread crumbs
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Goldfish are omnivores which means that they can eat a large variety of foods such as earth-worms, de-shelled peas, daphnia, krill, oranges, tubifex worms, duckweed, brine shrimps and other shrimps, and blood worms. However, flakes are the best food for your goldfish as far as digestion and general health is concerned. Do give them other stuff but not on a regular basis, just give them a change of the palette once or twice a week. Flakes keep their digestive system working and other foods if given on a regular basis may cause constipation.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
2 small feeding of vegatable based foods per day is best. Remove all uneaten food after 5 minutes.
Also, allowing the fish to fast for one day a week is good for him/her.
Because goldfish do not have stomachs they just have a one long intestine goldfish should have small snacks throughout the day (very small! Like a pinch) also feed some pelleted food along with the flakes but ALWAYS feed the flakes first. Feeding pellet food first causes swim bladder disease which is incurable.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

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