Actually, dogs are made to withstand temperatures way below 40 degrees. It would do him no harm at all to be outside. It is just that you probably feel bad about leaving him out in the cold. If you want to get a heated blanket then go for it. Like, I said dogs can withstand the cold with no problem. My dog used to love running around outside in the snow. I thought he was crazy. It all comes down to your feelings. If you feel bad about him being cold then comfort him.
It's better to keep him indoors if you can. When I keep my pitbull outside in the cold he shivers.
I always hear that dogs can withstand cold weather, but my experience taught me that there's a limit for their tolerance. My dog prefers sleeping indoors in winter.
I always hear that dogs can withstand cold weather, but my experience taught me that there's a limit for their tolerance. My dog prefers sleeping indoors in winter.
That is very cold for your dog the poor thing could freeze it should have a doggy jacket to help keep it warm because its fur wasnt made for cold weather and 10 months old is young and could get it sick
You shouldn't let your dog sleep outside it is cruel.Although dogs have coats they can get cold too ! Dogs have frozen to death in cold weather,It is fine to LET HIM OUTSIDE,BUT IN REALLY COLD WEATHER IT IS BEST TO KEEP INDOORS AND CLOSE TO YOU.