
I Found A Lump Under The Skin On My Dogs Back. What Could It Be?


5 Answers

Joe McHugh Profile
Joe McHugh answered
That lump could be one of many things. Some of the possibilities include an abscess, cyst, or a minor infection. Think the canine equivalent to a pimple for the latter. Generally speaking, all of these things are easy to treat. Unfortunately, the lump could also be a tumour, and while many tumours are benign, others are cancerous.

Abscesses are a collection of fluid, usually pus, trapped beneath the skin. The feel of them tends to vary from liquid-like to hard and they can secrete an unpleasant discharge. When suffering from an abscess, your dog will likely feel some degree of pain. Treatment will require your veterinary surgeon to drain the abscess of its contents, and your dog will be put on oral or topical antibiotics. Multiple trips may be necessary to ensure that the abscess is completely drained.

Sebaceous cysts are similar to abscesses, but they often need to be surgically removed in order to prevent them from reoccurring.

If your dog's lump is small and has come to a head like a pimple, then treat it with hydrogen peroxide and a topical antibiotic ointment. Do not try to extract the infection yourself. Take your dog to the vet if the area is still red after a few days. It might be something else.

Finally, if the lump feels hard, deep and misshapen, and if doesn't drain at all, you might be dealing with a tumour. Tumours that are on the soft side of hard tend to be made up of fat cells, not cancer cells, and are usually benign. Lumps that feel almost rock-like are highly potential cancerous tumours and should be checked out as soon as possible. Treatment for benign and malignant tumours almost always involves excision, and when these tumours are caught early, there should be less risk of them returning.

There are other causes of lumps in your dog's skin, but these are the most common.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
That was the most horrible answer to a simple question.  The reason your dog has a bump on it back is because it's muscles were tense while it got the shot and it created an "egg" Children get these all the time when they tense up their arms when they get shots. It will go down with time but it will take a few weeks. The dog will be fine if you have any concerns call your vet.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My lab. Had a mast cell tumor removed on his head above his eye about 2 years ago everything has  been there seems to be a softish movable lump on his side between his ribs but not on the surface...feels like a lymph gland that people have...I'm an r.n. But when it comes to dogs?????I just moved to this area and took my dogs to a new vet. For shots and physical I just don't know how I feel about taking them there for more serious things
Bonnie Rutledge Profile
Bonnie Rutledge answered
It may be a syst. Which is just a boil of pus under the skin I know gross but if you are worried just take her to the vet. My dog had one and my mom ignored it. He died September 19,2007. R.I.P.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It seems as if there is an anal sac problem. It has to be treated by antiseptics and antibiotic medicines. Some times, it becomes necessary to remove it surgically. It operation does not cause any complication. Tumor also looks like its which creates sores all over its private parts. If the tumor is not anal sac tumor but Perianal Adenoma or some other tumor then it is not necessary to remove it through surgery. Take it to vet to get exact diagnose in order to start its treatment soon.

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