If without water 13 days and with none 72 hours
Dude I feed mine every morning...maybe you should bring it to a vet or feed it every morning. Morning because it gives the lizard time to digest and bask. You should give it food that is no larger than the space between its eyes however in America we have extremely large crickets
but My lizard Nurples is getting along fine. You should also dust the meals in Calcium/Vitamin supplement. Nurples gets along without that too she is well adapted...
but My lizard Nurples is getting along fine. You should also dust the meals in Calcium/Vitamin supplement. Nurples gets along without that too she is well adapted...
I have a fence lizard loose in my house....how long can it live here if the house is cool and there is no food or water....I am terrified
I don really know but mine has lived on water 4 2 months