Our female boxer had 11 puppies, and all are now about 2 weeks old. We recently took a few of them to the vet because they had these bumps/swellings on their neck. The vet said it was "puppy strangles." he drained them and gave us antibiotics and a solution to give them. When we were rotating them for feeding, we noticed one of the nipples had a little blood coming out as if it was milk (milk also comes out of it). We have not allowed the puppies to nurse out of it...what could it be and what should we do? Thank you
Its an infection, it can be treated but wont go away, you dog likely hood of breeding is very small due to complications it will cause
My dog is also bleeding...but we got her spayed/neutered
I think you would need to see a doctor right away because I'm quit sure not many people get that!!!
It's not a normal thing, I would take my dog to the vet to be properly diagnosed and treated, hop your dog is ok
Shes having a (baby)babies
Dose she have Puppies?