Dinosaurs were present on this Earth for more than 200 million years, but no one had ever heard of them until 1841 simply because there was no name or definition of them as a group of fossils.
This was 165 years after the first published illustration of a dinosaur bone and many years after the first dinosaur was named and described.
How Dinosaurs Got Their Name Dinosauria, comes from deinos, the Greek for "terrible" and sauros, Greek for "lizard". Most fossils are now named in this way part Greek part Latin. The term "Dinosaur" was first coined by Sir Richard Owen.
This was 165 years after the first published illustration of a dinosaur bone and many years after the first dinosaur was named and described.
How Dinosaurs Got Their Name Dinosauria, comes from deinos, the Greek for "terrible" and sauros, Greek for "lizard". Most fossils are now named in this way part Greek part Latin. The term "Dinosaur" was first coined by Sir Richard Owen.