Sounds like Kennel Cough, or an upper Respiratory Infection. Your dog needs to be taken to the vet right away. If your dog continues not to eat or drink she could get dehydrated and collapse. Don't wait - run the the vet.
You absolutely still qualify for benefits. Most retired folks in the US supplement their retirement income by selling their primary residence, as SSI does not generally pay out enough to afford someone a comfortable life. Medicare is a health benefit offered to all who are retired, as they no longer have insurance through their jobs. … Read more
Whatever you do - don't use an over the counter flea spray! You can kill your cat! See the warning on: Very Scary!
Wow, I can't believe you would want to train your Pit to attack on command. Whatever reason you think you have, I assure you its not legitimate. If you need protection, hire a bodyguard. A dog is a responsibility, much like a child is. Would you teach your son to attack on command? It is … Read more