
How Big Are Tigers?


10 Answers

Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The tiger is the heaviest of the four big cats which are found in the wild. Every species of tiger has its unique characteristics, but male tigers weigh approximately between 200 kilograms and 320 kilograms (that is, between 440 pounds and 700 pounds) and female tigers weigh approximately between 120 kilograms and 181 kilograms (that is, between 265 pounds and 400 pounds).

The average height of male tigers is approximately between 2.6 metres and 3.3 metres (that is, between eight-and-a-half feet to ten feet eight inches) and that of female tigers is approximately between 2.3 metres and 2.75 metres (that is, between seven-and-a-half feet to nine feet).

Of all the living sub-species of tigers, the Amur tigers (which are also known as the Siberian tigers) are the largest and the Sumatran tigers are the smallest.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The largest Tigers can grow to be 14 feet long, and weigh 1,025 pounds, making them the largest land predator
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The largest tigers ( Siberian ) can reach lengths of up to 13 feet from head to tip of tail and can weigh up to 500 pounds.
amber Jhon Profile
amber Jhon answered
The average length of tigers is 4 meters which is almost 13 feet with weight 300 kilograms. The length of Bengal tigers is 3.10 meters with a tail of 37 inches. The length of Siberian tigers is 3.3 meters with a tail of 39 to 43 inches.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
About 2000 and 320 pounds?

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