
What's Wrong With My Dog If Her Mouth And Tongue Turns White?


5 Answers

samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
If the mouth(gums) or tounge turns white, most likely thing is the heart isn't pumping properly for what ever reason. You notice the lack of blood in those areas first cause the rest of the body is covered in hair. Have it checked out by a vet. My dog has episodes where his heart goes out of rythm and he drops to the floor, acts like he's dizzy(which he is from lack of oxygen). Gets back in rythm within 2 -3 minutes. Hasn't killed him yet but could. Vet says its brought on from over excitement. Once he calms down he's ok.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lack of blood to the mouth and Tonge
thanked the writer.
Josh Brown
Josh Brown commented
Can any body help ! My cross breed Scooby has a white tongue and is coughing and spluttering however after giving her benylin cough mixture she seems to not cough as much but still has a white tongue she is fine in her self and plays and eats/drinks normally i heard on internet it is heart prob's and over excitement is it that ? Scooby does agility and is excitable when doing it could it be that? And if so will she have to stop?
samual answers Profile
samual answers answered
If your dog has been poisoned or its heart skips a beat. White gums indicate that blood is not flowing normally. See a vet
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My dogs tongue turned white and his eyes were very dialated what is wrong he wouldn't move?

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