
Where Do Wild Hamsters Live?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually it depends on which types of hamsters let me give you a few..
Wild golden hamsters - Parts of europe and asian
Syrian hamsters - They live in the middle east deserts and in rocky areas.
Campbell hamsters - These hamsters live I mongolia desserts and sand dunes.
Winter whites - These hamsters live on flat land with short grass.
Roborovskis hamsters - These hamsters live in flat, sandy soil.

Well thats it I hope  I helped... :P
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are 14 varieties of hamsters living in Asia, Africa and one colony in Europe in France.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Usually in africa or asia.
Heywood Jublome Profile
Heywood Jublome answered
They're native to S. America. I heard that Peruvians and Bolivians consider them a delicacy.

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