
Can I Keep A Black Moor Fish In A Standard Fish Bowl?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have had a black  moor fish in a bowl for 5 years and it has thrived on a twice weekly water change and a once weekly complete bowl clean. It is a fairly small bowl so the fish is a small fish, but it is healthy and enjoying life. It celebrates its 6th bday in 4 months.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Puppy_luvr gives good advice and I will add to it. Goldfish of any type do produce a lot of ammonia so they need more water per fish than the average fish. NO fish of ANY species should be kept in a bowl. For any fish to be healthier and happier and longer living, they should have an aquarium with proper water filtration to keep oxygen levels at a healthy level in the tank water. Even betta fish will thrive better if given a tank with a filter pump and heater. Your black moor should be given at least 7 to 10 gallons of water PER fish. More if you can give it.
Hayley Bqahsjhcn Profile
Well black moors are cold water fish so you can not  because black moors produce a lot of waste which leads to ammonia and nitrite spikes and will die I have 2 black moors and they are perfectly fine with our kidney shaped pond out side
good luck with your fish!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mines do, but you have to change the water often; real often.
Andres Rodriguez Profile
Well If I was a fish I wouldnt be to happy in a fish bowl I would rather you buy at least a 5 gallon fish tank or make one with a friend or something.

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