Anxiety could mean your cat is worried when you leave. Did you change your schedule lately? Have you been out at more random times? Your cat could be worried that you aren't going to come home. Or, he could be bothered by sounds that you can't hear, but he can. Something may have him worried, even stupid little things, and he is trying to get close to you because he feels alone when he is left - well, alone. Sometimes people don't think of these things. There are special products you can buy to ease anxiety, and can be put in his water, or used as air fresheners. They are sold at Petsmart.
Also, don't think another cat won't be good. A cuddly cat does not mean you will automatically have a defensive cat. You will have an upset cat for a good week or two, but after that, there is a more than 80% chance your cats will like each other. Being alone sucks. Cats love companionship. What it would more likely mean is that when you're gone, they cuddle, but then when you're home, they'd both cuddle on you!
Also, don't think another cat won't be good. A cuddly cat does not mean you will automatically have a defensive cat. You will have an upset cat for a good week or two, but after that, there is a more than 80% chance your cats will like each other. Being alone sucks. Cats love companionship. What it would more likely mean is that when you're gone, they cuddle, but then when you're home, they'd both cuddle on you!